Formazione – Laureata a Roma in Matematica presso l’Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” nel 1987, consegue il Ph.D. in Mathematics presso la Purdue University (Indiana, USA) nel 1993. Ph.D. Advisor prof. Craig Huneke.

Ha avuto modo di collaborare con co-autori in Università in Europa e negli Stati Uniti avendo modo di frequentare per brevi periodi le loro accademie.

Ricerca – Svolge attività di ricerca in Matematica e in particolare nell’area dell’Algebra Commutativa ed Omologica occupandosi delle proprietà degli anelli Noetheriani, degli ideali generati da particolari categorie di polinomi e delle algebre di scoppiamento generati da tali ideali. Ha all’attivo pubblicazioni sull’argomento su riviste di carattere internazionale.

Convegni (organizzazione):

Con Antonio Leaci, Maria Flavia Mammana, Maria Mellone (Presidente CIIM), Mirko Maracci, Antonella Montone, Colomba Punzo – XXXVI Convegno Nazionale AQ2022 UMI-CIIM presso Università dell’Aquila.

Con Alice Lemmo – Convegno Pensare e fare la Matematica del primo ciclo, 15, 16 Novembre 2019 DISIM DSU presso Università dell’Aquila.

Con Aldo Conca, Claudia Polini e Bernd Ulrich – Special Session in Commutative Algebra: Hilbert Functions, Homological Methods, and Combinatorial Aspects – Pisa, Italy – June 12-16, 2002 – First Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Unione Matematica Italiana

Con Irena Swanson – Special Session in Effective methods and Commutative Algebra,
American Mathematical Society annual meeting, Washington, D.C. (January 19-21, 2000).

Con Giorgio Ottaviani, Norberto Gavioli and Raffaella Paoletti – Italian National Meeting “Aspetti Computazionali in Algebra, Geometria e Logica”; University of L’Aquila, October 21-22, 1996, sponsored by GNSAGA/CNR.

Attualmente si sta occupando di didattica della matematica e comunicazione scientifica.

Attività professionale – Dal 1994 è docente presso l’Università dell’Aquila, prima come Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e dal 2000 come Professore Associato. Attualmente il Dipartimento di Matematica ha assunto il nome di Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Scienze dell’Informazione e Matematica, DISIM.

Attività didattica – Insegna Algebra astratta e Algebra lineare nei corsi di Laurea ove necessario. In particolare ha insegnato per Matematica (triennale e magistrale), Fisica, Informatica e Chimica. Dal 2018 insegna anche nell’ambito della Logica per Informatica e sui temi della didattica e della comunicazione per la Matematica.

Attività organizzativa di Ateneo – E’ stata referente per la Matematica nelle Commissioni di Orientamento  presso i vari livelli universitari (Facoltà e Ateneo), ha fatto parte della Commissione Residenzialità dell’Ateneo dell’Aquila e dell’Osservatorio sul Terremoto. Ha rappresentato il Dipartimento DISIM nella Commissione di Ateneo sulla Disabilità. E’ Presidente della Commissione Orientamento CAD MAT e rappresenta la Matematica nella Commissione Orientamento DISIM. E’ nella Commissione FIT per il Dipartimento DISIM. Ha contribuito alle attività del PinKamp.

Pubblicazioni matematiche

Trovami su ReserchGate>>

2018 – D’Cruz C, GUERRIERI, ANNA (2018). Homology, mixed multiplicities and Hilbert coefficients of the fiber cone. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS, vol. Aprile 2018, ISSN: 0219-4988, doi: 10.1142/S0219498819500610

2015 – Fabrizio Brienza, Anna Guerrieri, Initial ideals of Borel type, In ACTA MATHEMATICA VIETNAMICA – ISSN:0251-4184 vol. 40 DOI:10.1007/s40306-015-0112-5.

2014 – Francesca Di Giovannantonio, Anna Guerrieri e Irena Swanson, Searching for Cutkosky’s example. pp.865-876. In ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS – ISSN:0035-7596 vol. 44 (3)

2007 – Elena Grieco, Anna Guerrieri e Irena Swanson, Permanental ideals of Hankel matrices. DOI:10.1007/BF03173488. pp.39-58. In ABHANDLUNGEN AUS DEM MATHEMATISCHEN SEMINAR DER UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG – ISSN:0025-5858 vol. 77

2007 – Elena Grieco e Anna Guerrieri, Minimal primes over P_3(I). pp.217-229. In Rendiconti in memoria di Fabio Rossi – ISBN:0049-4704 vol. 39

2005 – Clare D’Cruz e Anna Guerrieri, Multigraded Hilbert coefficients. DOI:10.1201/9781420028324.ch6. pp.59-68. In Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial and Computational Aspects – Edited by Corso, Gimenez, Vaz Pinto and Zarzuela – ISBN:978-0824723354 vol. 244

2003 – Anna Guerrieri e Irena Swanson, On the ideal of minors of matrices of linear forms. pp.139-152. In Commutative Algebra: Interactions with Algebraic Geometry – ISBN:0-8218-3233-6. In CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS – ISSN:0271-4132 vol. 331

2001 – Stefania Gabelli e Anna Guerrieri, On the complete integral closure of the Rees algebra. pp.155-170. In Ideal theoretic methods in commutative algebra. Proceedings of the conference in honor of Professor James A. Huckaba’s retirement, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA. – ISBN:9780824705534. In LECTURE NOTES IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS – ISSN:0075-8469 vol. 220

2001 – Marco D’Anna, Anna Guerrieri e William Heinzer, Ideals having a one-dimensional fiber cone. pp.155-170. In Ideal theoretic methods in commutative algebra. Proceedings of the conference in honor of Professor James A. Huckaba’s retirement, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA. – ISBN:9780824705534. In LECTURE NOTES IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS – ISSN:0075-8469 vol. 220

2001 – Marco D’Anna, Anna Guerrieri e William Heinzer, Invariants of ideals having principal reductions. DOI:10.1081/AGB-100001550. pp.889-906. In COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA – ISSN:0092-7872 vol. 29

2000 – Anna Guerrieri e Irena Swanson, Jacobian ideals of trilinear forms: an application of $1$-genericity. DOI:10.1006/jabr.1999.8196. pp.410-435. In JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA – ISSN:0021-8693 vol. 226

1999 – Winfried Bruns e Anna Guerrieri,The Dedekind-Mertens formula and determinantal rings. DOI:10.1090/S0002-9939-99-04535-9. pp.657-663. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY – ISSN:0002-9939 vol. 127

1999 – Anna Guerrieri e Maria Evelina Rossi, Estimates on the depth of the associated graded ring. DOI:10.1006/jabr.1998.7626,. pp.457-471. In JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA – ISSN:0021-8693 vol. 211

1998 – Anna Guerrieri e Maria Evelina Rossi, Hilbert coefficients of Hilbert filtrations. DOI:10.1006/jabr.1997.7194. pp.40-61. In JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA – ISSN:0021-8693 vol. 199 (1)

1997 – Giandomenico Boffi, Winfried Bruns e Anna Guerrieri, On the Jacobian ideal of a trilinear form. DOI:10.1006/jabr.1997.7129. pp.521-534. In JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA – ISSN:0021-8693 vol. 197 (2)

1995 – Anna Guerrieri, On the depth of certain graded rings associated to an ideal. DOI:: 10.1080/00927879508825476. pp.4447-4460. In COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA – ISSN:0092-7872 vol. 23 (12)

1995 Anna Guerrieri, On the depth of the associated graded ring. DOI:10.1090/S0002-9939-1995-1211580-9. pp.11-20. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY – ISSN:0002-9939 vol. 123 (1)

1994 – Anna Guerrieri, On the depth of the associated graded ring of an $m$-primary ideal of a Cohen-Macaulay local ring. DOI:10.1006/jabr.1994.1210. pp.745-757. In JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA – ISSN:0021-8693 vol. 167 (3)

Contributi in convegni:

On the homological structure of the associated graded ring , two hours invited talk in the cicle Seminari d’algebra commutativa 99 – Cicle especial de conferencies (29 de juni – 1 de juliol) – University of Barcellona.

Primary decomposition and Jacobian ideals of multilinear forms , one hour invited talk in the program Young Algebra Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University or Rome – Tor Vergata (February, 8, 1999).

Primary decomposition, hyperdeterminants and Jacobian ideals of trilinear forms , Department of Mathematics Colloquium, New Mexico State University at Las Cruces (January, 1999).

Estimates on the depth of the associated graded ring, Conference in honor of David Rees – Exeter – Great Britain (August 1998).

On the structure of the associated graded ring, Colloquium – Osnabrueck University (December 1997).

On the Jacobian ideal of a certain trilenear form, Colloquium – Osnabrueck University (November 1996).

Hilbert coefficients of Hilbert filtrations, Summer School on Commutative Algebra, Centre de Recerca Matematica Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain (July 16-26, 1996).

Sulla profondità di alcuni anelli graduati associati ad un ideale, Giornate di Geometria Algebrica ed Argomenti Correlati II, University of L’Aquila, January 1994.

On the Depth of the Associated Graded Ring of an m-primary ideal of a Cohen-Macaulay local ring, Workshop on Commutative Algebra, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Miramare-Trieste, Italy (September 14-25, 1992).

Altri contributi:

Hilbert Functions and Syzygies in Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics. A conference in honor of Juergen Herzog, held at the Palazzone in Cortona (Italy) from 16 to 22 September 2007.
Current trends in commutative algebra (Levico, Italy, June 17-21, 2001)

On the ideal of minors of matrices of linear forms, (Lyon, 2001) Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the SMF

Invariants of ideals with principal reductions, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. (January, 2000).

Invariants of ideals with principal reductions, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. (January, 2000).

On the primary decomposition of the jacobian ideal of trilinear forms, Joint Mathematics Meetings, S.Antonio, Texas, USA. (January 13-16, 1999).

On the depth of the associated graded ring, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana (April 1998).

Estimates on the depth of the associated graded ring, Las Cruces, New Mexico (April 1998).

On the Jacobian ideal of a trilinear form, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, Maryland (January 7-10 1998).

On the Jacobian ideal of a trilenear form Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana (September 1997).

Sull’ideale Jacobiano di forme trilineari, University of Rome III (April 1997).

On the Jacobian ideal of a certain trilenear form, University of Essen – Germany (November 1996).

Anelli locali di Cohen-Macaulay con speciale dimensione di immersione, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (April 1996).
A survey on the Rees Algebras, University of Essen – Germany (November 1995).

On the depth of certain graded algebras University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (December 1993)

On the depth of certain graded algebras University of Genova (November 1993)

On the depth of the associated graded ring Universities of Rome “La Sapienza” and Rome III (April/May 1993)

Commutative Algebra, Representation Theory and Combinatorics – Conference in honor of David Buchsbaum – Northeastern University, Boston, USA, 1997.

Workshop on Commutative Algebra and its Relation to Combinatorics and Computer Algebra, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Miramare-Trieste, Italy (May 16 – May 24, 1994).

Commutative Algebra – Vechta, Germany (July 27 – August 1, 1994).
COCOA IV – Computational Commutative Algebra – Genova (May 29 – June 2, 1995).

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